Not sure what your Company Name is? Try below:
  • Your company name is the first part of your team URL. e.g.
  • You can also find the Company Name in the welcome email received from Anywhere.
  • Contact your team Admin, they can help you with it.

We are serious about your data security

We take considerable measures to keep your data safe and secure.

Hosted on Azure

Hosted entirely on Microsoft Azure

  • We are completely hosted on Microsoft Azure's secure cloud services
  • Azure data center are highly secured physical premises with hundreds of data centers in more than 50 regions
  • Read more about Azure's security policies here
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All sensitive data is masked and restricted

  • We mask all sensitive data such as email, phone, name etc.
  • Only a handful of support staff and engineers have access to this data, all access is recorded and logged
  • We safeguard all cryptographic keys and other secrets used by cloud apps and services using Azure Key Vaults
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Data Masking

We use 256-bit SSL based HTTPS protocol

  • SHA-2 based encryption
  • 2048-bit encryption
  • Strongest in the market
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2-Factor Authentication

  • Use Email / SMS / Google Authenticator based 2-factor auth
  • Standard in all plans
  • Configurable at account level
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Additional security measures (Available only in enterprise plan)

  • Single Sign On (SSO)
  • Active Directory integration
  • End to end encryption - Data is encrypted even at rest using AES-256 encryption
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