5 Effective Tips to Manage Successful Remote Teams

5 Effective Tips to Manage Successful Remote Teams : Remote working or work in the office? That's been the question of questions in the last two years. The answer is easy: be productive, no matter where you are.

Even with the availability of nearly unlimited resources...

5 Effective Tips to Manage Successful Remote Teams

“People are more productive working at home than people would have expected. Some people thought that everything was just going to fall apart, and it hasn’t.” - Mark Zuckerberg

With so many people around the world working remotely, companies of every size need to adjust procedures to survive and keep their competitive advantages. New work models got the pandemic push, and with digital progress, change is simply inevitable. 

To deal with all the challenges involved and achieve goals in an organized, efficient, and methodical way, the best thing is to rely on efficient and solid Work Operating Systems deployed at your workplace. We have already talked in detail about what a WORK OS is and how <b>Anywhere</b> can be the right choice for smart distributed teams. 

But there are some important tips to always keep in mind if you want to take advantage of it.

1. Share clear goals and open roadmaps

Whether you are just starting your career or have a lot of experience, being a Project Manager is not easy. You need to always ensure that the project remains within all the agreed-upon requirements. And how your team operates is extremely important to achieve this goal because everyone and every business needs goals, but in a team, it’s crucial these can be easily shared.

Picking up clear milestones and keeping open roadmaps help to guarantee members are aligned on the same project: an essential step to ensure high-level motivation and that the process in which they’re involved runs smoothly without risk of interruptions.

Broadly speaking, as you track progress toward the goals, you can understand if certain ones are no longer relevant or achievable only relying on data.

2. Minimize lack of communication

OK, you've decided which project you'll be working on. How do you share it with your fellows? 

Communication is the key for successful projects, but...what is the key in team communication?

As a part of their day-to-day tasks, PMs perform a vast list of responsibilities among which is the coordination of the efforts of everyone involved in the process. This requires that a project manager is skilled in HR management, interpersonal communication techniques, gathering and transferring information, and so on. That is good, though challenging and prone to miscommunication without something helping with that. 

So what actually a PM requires while using several tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Jira - just to mention some of the most popular text & video chat apps - to make communication smoother is to keep everything in place

3. Define processes to manage productivity

Although remote working requires each member of the team to manage their own tasks individually, it doesn’t mean managers shouldn’t create structures and processes that everyone involved in the project must follow. 

The HR process must be focused on all people to perform at their best according to what’s required. The best way to manage remote employees is to provide assignments and hold them accountable without falling into the mistake of micromanaging.

4. Automate tasks management

As previously said, when daily tasks go from in-office to remote, it’s extra important to coordinate people's efforts. 

Everybody could agree that managing remote teams is much easier using a small set of tools and using them properly with automation of course. Automation tools, indeed, can make running a business easier and saving valuable time to be invested in different tasks, new activities, training, and whatever.

Because we all want to be more productive and efficient without giving our team technology overload at the end of the day.

5. Invest in project management tools

The last, but not the least!

Efficiency is an important requirement for the successful completion of a project and the lack of it will create issues for sure. Quite often project structures become so complex that it is difficult to keep track of them. Of course, the more objectives and deadlines increase, the more the process becomes tricky.

And your team can be productive only if it can rely on software which allows a centralized and widely shared environment. 

You can find project management software with no hassle as there are hundreds in the market. The questions to be focused on are: 

why is project management software so important?

how do you actually find the one that fits best?


The leading purpose of a PM solution is to help managers as they come across different project stages and issues. Having that said, all-in-one platforms like Anywhere have numerous advantages and its choice might be crucial for the whole project as they’re your team’s most trusted ally.

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